



澳门新葡京官网's Brand

澳门新葡京官网's Brand

All departments, offices, 特别项目和中心 should consult with the Office of Communications before starting projects, including design, production, printing, art, photography, 以及在线/视频制作. Working with Communications and adhering to visual standards help Birmingham-Southern achieve an effective, efficient, 以及注重成本的沟通项目.

Note: For questions regarding 澳门新葡京官网 Athletics branding, contact the Athletics department at [email protected]


Wordmarks文字标志是品牌的脸和签名. 它将品牌与各种形式的沟通联系起来. 字标的外观和使用越一致, 就越有可能被记住并产生影响. Each communication needs to be able to stand alone as a proper representation of the brand, 同时也获得了凝聚力的力量, 综合收集资料. These guidelines provide direction for how the 澳门新葡京官网 Wordmark should be used to help unify materials and continue to build the brand.

The wordmark is for use in all branding materials or communications from or about the college. 例如信笺抬头, business cards, print ads, college collateral, admission documents, direct mail, television commercials, videos, websites and more. Guidelines for how to use this version have been established to maintain branding consistency. Departments, offices, 学院内的特殊项目和中心不应创造任何新的标志. 请与通讯办公室联系,电话: [email protected] 获得认可版本的文字标记. Note: The 澳门新葡京官网 logo, and not the seal, should be used as the identifying mark on all official college Facebook pages and other social media. 为官方学院建立Facebook页面的政策和指导方针, office, or center use, 请与通讯办公室联系,电话 [email protected].



The wordmark is available in several configurations to accommodate a wide range of applications. 每个配置应该被视为一个单元. 元素的比例和间距不应以任何方式改变. Color, 文字标记的排版和复制规范, 以及它将出现的通讯材料的细节, are provided here. 所示字体中的“澳门新葡京官网”可单独用于内部申请. 所示字体(Giovanni)的铭牌也可以单独使用. 对于本手册中提供的指南之外的配置/颜色使用, 请与通讯办公室联系,电话 [email protected].


WordmarkSignatures这些版本的wordmark签名已经开发出来供部门使用, offices, 特别项目和中心. By adding the unit name, the unit name receives prominence while retaining an overall 澳门新葡京官网 identity. Secondary signatures are not to be used on major publication covers, stationery or business cards. Secondary signatures shall be used with only the left-justified configuration of the wordmark, as shown. 通信办公室将负责产生原始部门, office, 特别项目和学院中心签名. Your department/office/program/ center signature is available from the Office of Communications. 请与通讯办公室联系,电话: [email protected] to have one created. No new logos may be developed unless approved and created through the Office of Communications. 



WordmarkFormatsClear Space Requirements

为了达到视觉效果,澳门新葡京官网文字标记需要在它周围有一个开放的区域. 这个区域被称为“控制区”.它被定义为标志周围空白区域的边界(边距), 至少等于1/4英寸. 空旷的空间越大越好.

最好不要在控制区域内出现其他视觉元素. maintain a minimum distance of 1/4 inch between the wordmark and any other elements appearing with it.

Please maintain 1/4 inch of space around all other treatments of the wordmark (left-justified, stacked, and lone elements).



The ‘澳门新葡京官网’ letters and spelled-out name should always be kept in the proportions shown to maintain the integrity of the logo. Always use the approved wordmark files and use only vector files of the wordmark when printing. Never try to recreate the wordmark yourself. 如果你需要缩放字标, 始终约束比例,使高度和宽度同时缩放. 保持字标的正确比例, always hold down the shift key as you drag the corner to increase or decrease its size.


The wordmark should not appear smaller than 1 3/8“ wide in any printed material or 100 pixels wide on-screen.


For all 澳门新葡京官网 communications, the 澳门新葡京官网 wordmark should be placed in either 1) the lower-right corner at a minimum of 1/2” from the edges of the page, 或者2)下中心距离页面边缘至少1/2英寸. The wordmark should never be placed against the edge of the page as a bleed because when the page is trimmed, 文字标记通常被裁剪得不成比例, 违反视觉识别标准. The wordmark should always appear on the outside front cover of any piece of communication. Please contact the Office of Communications for permission to place the wordmark in a location other than those outlined above. 建议的头寸应该不会对一般的抵押品创造造成问题.



Do not place the wordmark anywhere other than the lower-right corner or lower center of a page with the 1/2” buffer from the edge of the page. 不要把一页边上的字标弄掉. 不要使用不符合指南的文字标记格式. 在颜色应用程序中,应始终使用经批准的金色和黑色文字标记. The Office of Communications reserves discretion to place the wordmark as needed for optimal design. For placements outside of the guidelines presented, 请与通讯办公室联系.


澳门新葡京官网SealDiagram.pngThe Birmingham-Southern College seal should be used for only the most formal of applications, such as building plaques, 成绩报告/成绩单和文凭. 在极少数情况下,适用密封, other information, such as the wordmark, other logos, photos, graphics, headlines, or text, 不应放置在密封保护区内. 保护区的面积相当于1/8 (12).密封直径的5%). Again, 在极少数情况下,适用密封, 它可以套印照片或纹理背景, 或者2)从照片中反转出来, textured backgrounds, 还有深色背景——只要背景不与海豹竞争. Please direct all questions regarding appropriate use of the seal to the Communications Office.









大学理解肤色在创造自豪感和团结方面的重要性. The power of Birmingham-Southern’s gold and black is obvious at every ceremonial and sporting event. 色彩在其他形式的交流中也同样强大. 如果使用一致,颜色有助于使品牌更具凝聚力和可识别性. 颜色可以变得像标志或名称一样可识别, 但前提是要始终正确地使用它们.

Primary Color Palette

黑色、金色和白色构成了原色调色板. 它们应该是设计所有印刷材料时使用的主要颜色. 提供PMS和CMYK代码以允许精确匹配.



C0 M24 Y100 K0;

R239, G194, B49;




C0, M0, Y0, K100;

R0, G0, B0



Secondary Color Palette

The secondary color palette includes a range of tones that complement the primary colors without overpowering them. The secondary palette includes a range of colors that function as accent colors and should never overtake the design. 它们应该总是与原金一起使用,而不是单独使用. Use at least two of the secondary colors with the gold; avoid pairing gold and red or gold and lime green.



C90 M83 Y40 K29;

R54, G57, B90;




C0 M53 Y100 K1;

R219, G138, B46;




C80 M10 Y45 K0;

R91, G167, B157;




C7 M100 Y100 k0;

R192, G37, B43;




C100 M6 Y29 K28;

R0, G126, B141;




C48 M4 Y100 K0;

R147, G193, B62;




C85 M10 Y100 K10;

R81, G147, B76;




一个有凝聚力的文具系统包括信头、信封和名片. In many cases, 这些材料是给选民留下的第一印象, 因此,他们必须呈现出统一的外观. They are a key component to the brand and offer an easy way to maintain consistency across the college community.



The letterhead design is standardized to promote consistency; yet it also offers a way for departments, offices, programs and/or centers to include their specific contact information within the design. 左边距收件人姓名/标题信息1英寸. 右距也应该是1 ". The top margin will vary according to the amount of text printed in the address section of the letterhead (as many as five lines of text, as shown). However, we recommend that the body of the letter begin at no less than 3” from the top of the page. The last line of the letter should measure a minimum of 1” from the bottom of the page. 注:样品以缩小尺寸/比例显示. 所有信头订单必须由豹印刷和邮政印刷.



符合邮政规定/扫描设备公差, the return address and graphic for an envelope cannot exceed more than 1/3 of the upper portion of the envelope’s height (USPS regulations). The return address should begin at a minimum of 1/4” from the top and left margins of the envelope. 注:#10信封样品按比例显示. 所有订购的信封必须由豹印邮政公司印刷.


bus-cards-for-web.jpgOne design is available for 澳门新葡京官网’s institutional business cards for faculty and staff (Note: Athletics staff may request business cards with the Athletics logo). 该卡可以包含多达十行持卡人的特定信息. 卡片背面应留空. All institutional business cards must conform to this format and may not carry unit-specific logos. 所有名片必须由豹印刷和邮政印刷. 如果你对官方的澳门新葡京官网名片有疑问, 或者如果你有特殊的名片需求, 请与通讯办公室联系.

Powerpoint Templates



澳门新葡京官网 maintains a Powerpoint template 用于官方演示.  

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